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We are Family Promise

of Escambia County

Family Promise transforms the lives of families experiencing homelessness within Escambia County community.

Family & Child Homelessness in Escambia County

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3000+ homeless

Children in Escambia County

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237 children

Served since last quarter of 2023

64 Families

Housed through Prevention


Help End Homelessness

Through partner congregations, volunteers, Day Center, and fundraising programs Family Promise of Escambia County is committed to working towards a community in which every family has a home, livelihood, and a chance to build a better future.

Young Girl - Help End Homelessness

Our Impact on Family Homelessness

Since 1988 Family Promise has worked with partners, agencies, and organizations to end family homelessness within the local community.

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Over 1,700

Nationwide initiatives addressing homelessness

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of families served through Family Promise nationally secure permanent housing within 9 weeks

Interested in making a sustainable impact on your community?

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